Fuji GFX100: Will this camera change Medium Format?

Ted Forbes:

The Fujifilm GFX 100 is the new 100 megapixel flagship from Fujifilm. It features a newly designed sensor which offers some of the best dynamic range I’ve seen on any camera to date. This medium format camera is also unique in that it has features not found on any other medium format camera such as in body image stabilization (IBIS) and the ability to record 4k video.

Compared to other camera such as the Hasselblad X1D, Pentax 645Z, or Phase One XF IQ3 – Fujifilm represent a serious change not only in possibilities with the camera, but also in price point.

Fuji officially annunces the development of the X-PRO3. Here are the images!

Today Fuji did announce the development of the new X-PRO3. Fujirumors reports:

Fujifilm says the announcement will be on October 23, with worldwide “Fujifest” events to try it out on October 24.
Along with the Fujifilm X-Pro3, they will introduce the a new Classic Negative film simulation
It will come in three colors, the classic black as well as a DURA black and DURA silver
It will be built out of titanium, which will make it 10 times tougher than steel against scratch, almost level of sapphire.

Fuji also announced that it will make a XF 50mm f/1.0 lens instead of the previously announced 33mm f/1.0 lens. This  will allow them to make the lens 35% smaller! Here you can see the new 50mm lens versus  the much bigger 33mm lens:

Here is the official presentation video:


Lens rumors: Olympus working on a 500mm MFT lens, Nikon on a 12mm f/2.8 Z lens and Sony on MANY lenses :)

A couple of lens news for you:

1) Shigemi Sugimoto from Olympus told in an interview with Newsswitch that  thewy are developing a new 500mm MFT lens with 2x teleconverter
2) Nikon has patented a new 12mm f/2.8 Z lens
3) Sony said they have multiple lenses on their roadmap
4) Tamron will launch 1 new FE zoom (70-180mm f/2.8) and three FE primes in October