Sigma FP will be launched on October 20

As promised by Kazuto Yamaki when he presented the fp, Sigma just published the 3D appearance data of the Sigma fp and its Sigma accessories.
The purpose of such publication is to facilitate the design of fp accessories by third parties and therefore speed up their release, with a view to creating as large an ecosystem as possible as quickly as possible. This is, pushed to a further level, the strategy pursued by Sony when they made the main E mount specifications available to third parties.
Available for download (without any prior requirement) tare .step files. STEP stands for “STandard for the Exchange of Product model data” a.k.a. ISO 10303. It can represent 3D objects and related information in CAD/CAM software. *.step files are recognized by programs such as Dassault Systemes SolidWorks, IMSI TurboCAD and Autodesk Fusion 360.
In addition to this official communication, an unofficial but well-informed source, photographer Kimio Tanaka, just twitted that the Sigma fp should be launched around the 20th of October.
Thanks Mistral!

DPReview TV: Fujifilm X-A7 Preview


On paper the Fujifilm X-A7 appears to address many of its predecessor’s shortcomings, but do those improvements add up to a better real-world experience? Chris and Jordan head to Calgary’s awe-inspiring, fire-breathing Beakerhead festival to get a feel for how it handles.

Well that’s something new: This is the “underwater” camera drone!

Well that’s something new: You can preorder this underwater drone on Kickstarter:

Imagine holding the ocean in the palm of your hand. Precisely the idea behind CHASING DORY, the smallest, smartest and most affordable next generation underwater drone. DORY swims with the big fish in terms of premium features, yet its intuitive set-up and highly sharable nature make it a favorite among avid adventurers and fun-seeking travelers alike. DORY follows the success of CHASING’s Indiegogo campaign for GLADIUS in 2017, which ended with 1629% funding and 100% delivered to backers. After setting the standard with affordability and functionality in underwater drones with GLADIUS, and winning the Red Dot Product Design award with GLADIUS MINI, CHASING is once again setting new benchmarks for quality with DORY. Designed to bring the aquatic world to the masses, DORY invites you to explore places unknown and waters unseen with surprising ease. What’s underwater awaits.

MFT fans rejoice: Sony just made you this new 47MP and 8K Micro Four Thirds sensor!

It surely looks like Sony is giving a lot of efforts to keep the Micro Four Thirds kicking and alive! They announced this new 47MP sensor (41MP in 4/3 mode) capable of recording 8K video.

I am pretty sure we will get 8K MFT mirrorless cameras long before 8K will be available for Full Frame. At the moment an 8K FF camera in a compact body would create a nuclear alike Chernobyl explosion :)