Fujis Hybrid AF: A way for mirrorless cameras to catch up the AF speed of DSLR cameras?
As you all now fast autofocus is one of the main advantage of classic DSLR cameras. This because a phase detection focus usually works faster than contrast autofocus. But with the release of the F300EXR
and the Z800EXR
Fuji just introduced a new tecnology called Hybrid AF that will interest many of our MicroFourThirds readers! Fuji found a way to implement phase detection directly on the sensor!
You can find more information on Fujifilms website: http://www.fujifilm.com/products/digital_cameras/f/finepix_f300exr/features/
“Hybrid Auto Focus System NEW!
One of the disadvantages of longer zoom compacts is relatively slow auto focusing. Typical compacts rely on Contrast Detection, which works by fixing the focus by searching for contrast differentials. Some expensive cameras, including many DSLRs, use two focusing systems in tandem to improve the time taken to auto focus. Phase Detection AF works by dividing the incoming light into pairs of images and calculating the phase difference to find if the object is in front focus or back focus position. Contrast AF is generally better in low-lit scenes, while Phase Detection AF is extremely responsive in good light. Having both systems on one camera is perfect. The FinePix F300EXR uses both Contrast AF and Phase Detection AF to offer auto focus speeds as good as, or sometimes better than expensive DSLRs. To achieve the incredible AF speed of 0.158*1 seconds, Fujifilm engineers placed pairs of phase detection sensors on the EXR sensor, which work exactly like external sensors on DSLRs. The FinePix F300EXR automatically selects the optimum focus system, by measuring the amount of light or contrast in the scene. The benefit for the photographer is immediate and obvious: an almost instantaneous capture of the subject in the viewfinder, with no missed shots or subjects half out-of-frame.“