(Continually updated) Fuji X PRO 1 announced!
I will update this post with all the news and reviews I can find. Reload this page to see the updates but please do it only once in a while to not make crash my server ok? :)
Hot news:
Shipping in late February
Body for $1700. Lenses around $650.
9 more lenses to come: superwide 14mm, along with zoom lenses (Zoom lenes are coming in 2013).
(P-)reviews and Interviews:
Preview at Dpreview.
Hands.on photos at Photographyblog.
Hands-on at Techradar.
Hands-on at ePhotozine
Short interview at ePhotozine.
Image samples:
At fujifilm-x.com. and fujifilm.com.
Official press release text:
Fuji X PRO 1 product page. You can download the full X PRO 1 pdf (Click here).
Press release at Engadget.
Luminous Landscape.
Quesabesde (spanish)
Focus Numerique (french)
Fuji Deutschland product page.
Fuji Italy. And there is also a Fuji X PRO 1 (pdf file) and Lens (pdf file).
Fuji X PRO 1 presentation by FujiGuys on youtube (Click here to see part one). And here to see part two on youtube.
FujGuys first look on youtube
Live Fuji coverage is started. Watch these sites to learn more:
Cnet (live texting)
Matsumoto (Fuji) says it’s been designed to have the “ultimate in style and quality.
Amazon Fuji X PRO 1 search page (should be online soon).
Sensor presentation:
As you can see there is no word about the sensor using organic material.
Pictures of the camera (Click on them to enlarge the size):