Yes we can confirm: Samsung developed a ready to launch Full Frame mirrorless camera.

Bildschirmfoto 2015-11-16 um 17.34.26
A rendering made by a Nikonrumors reader

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Our very top Samsung sources confirmed they successfully developed a production ready mirrorless full frame system camera. They reported that Nikon is very likely to use that sensor now. While the camera design may change to suite Nikon’s needs.

I can also confirm the info posted by Andrea Georgia on DPreview forum is correct. She reports:

Over the last couple of months I talked quite a few times to a Samsung representative in Düsseldorf, Germany who told me repeatedly that he has indeed seen Samsung’s FF sensor at their German facility in Schwalbach, not mounted in a camera, he said, but on its own. In the early fall he was certain that Samsung was bent on giving Sony a run for their money and would enter the FF mirrorless market in the coming year, with the FF sensor ready for launch.

Then the rumors intensified and finally the news broke that Samsung was pulling out the German/European mirrorless market, much to many people’s bafflement given how mighty Samsung is, and how truly excellent their latest two cams and lenses are. Even with market stagnation etc. it didn’t seem to make entirely sense to simply stop the camera business. The rep and I kept talking and speculating who could team up with Samsung, Nikon or Canon, and he, as well as the photo store manager, repeatedly stated that Samsung’s FF sensor exists, absolutely, they said. Whether it’s the one that’s going to find its way into the new Nikon mirrorless cam will be remain to be seen, but I’m pretty sure that Nikon-Samsung will go FF with mirrorless, if the rumor is correct. I hope they keep APS-C, too, because the size, weight and cost savings are very substantial, and we shall see about lens mounts and system compatibilty. I think Nikon has filed some APS-C and FF mirrorless lens patents this past year.

Our Samsung sources have no knowledge of when Nikon will release the Full Frame camera. But they will soon share some details about it :)

Hot rumor! Nikon bought Samsung NX mirrorless tech!


The following rumor comes from TRUSTED sources! It’s a news coming exclusive on (forum) and (blog) first and to get more of those please subscribe our RSS feed, Facebook page and Twitter stream. If you copy that news please credit us..thanks :)

Nikon acquires Samsung NX tech!
The past weeks we had long chats with our Samsung sources about the recent shut down rumors. And they told us the reason why Samsung is stopping the camera sales: Nikon acquired all the Samsung NX tech! That acquisition could (I said could!) be made public in January at the CES. As we have been told Samsung will have a major press announcement there.

What Nikon plans to do:
Nikon will use Samsung NX resources to launch their professional mirrorless system. It is yet unclear if Nikon will keep the NX mount or use an own new mount. That info is not accessible to our Samsung sources (it’s a decision that will be taken by Nikon). The “resources” we are talking about also include Samsung sensor tech, video tech and processor engine. Pro and Cons of the partnership can be read and discussed here on Nikon-mirrorless forum.

Nikon, Sony and sensors:
Samsung sources clearly told us it was Nikon priority to create a serious competition to Sony. And to do that they decided to buy the current Samsung NX expertise and enter a new sensor partnership. Samsung sensors are known to be as good if not better than Sony sensors. See the NX500 vs A6000 sensor score comparison at DxOmark (discuss at If that sensor tech will be used on the new mirrorless system only or also on DSLR cameras is yet unclear.

Summary: This is what happens:
1) Samsung stops NX sales
2) Nikon buys the current Samsung developed NX tech
3) Nikon will also enter a strong partnership with Samsung. Samsung will keep developing and selling sensors to Nikon.
4) Nikon will launch a new professional mirrorless system based on Samsungs acquired technology.

More details will be posted and discusses on a new Nikon mirrorless forum we just launched: Please subscribe there to get detailed news in advance. Also let us know in that Nikon Mirrorless Thread what you hope to see from Nikon. And vote if Nikon should keep the NX mount or not.

Stay tuned!

Some more discussion: Should Nikon revive the “old” FM desing style on their new mirrorless cameras?

Some disruptive Samsung rumor coming soon! Nikon, Canon and Sony fellow should not miss to read this one!


I have a 100% surprising and 99% reliable rumor coming soon. I am working on it right now and I will post it tomorrow at 12:00 London time.  Samsung readers should stay tuned. And so Nikon and Sony readers as this will probably be the most important news of the year (if not of the last couple of years).

I have to say I am honestly very surprised about the news I got from the highest Samsung level. Please subscribe our RSS feed, Facebook page and Twitter stream to not miss that specific and any other future rumor!

Stay tuned on MirrorlessRumors. You will be surprised!

UPDATE: Unlike reported by other sites there is no “Samsung(!) NX2” coming at CES.

P.S.: Samsung camera business is dead. No doubt on it. But from the ashes something unexpected and very different rises…

And in the meantime have some fun with this one:

Samsung NX2 rumor is made up by fake rumor site.

Bildschirmfoto 2015-11-11 um 14.41.20

After reading my post yesterday an unserious so called “rumor” site added that there will be a new NX2. That site obviously (as usual) made up the rumor to gain some traffic. So please mark my words. Samsung big CES announcement will not be for a new NX2. Samsung will STOP their digital camera business. The surprise is related to something completely different!

Major Samsung announcement at CES

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THere is little doubt now that Samsungs camera business is fading out. And a couple of long time Samsung sources told me the Korean company will make a major statement at the CES event in early January. I have also been told to expect one major surprise!

Stay tuned on Mirrorlessrumors!

First evidence Sony will announce a fast f/2.8 24-70mm FE zoom

After many rumors it seems like we got a first evidence about a new and first f/2.8 FE zoom from Sony. SAR reports the 24-70mm f/2.8 FE G lens got registered at Sony Assist system. Not sure though if it means the lens will be announced before the end of the year. And it’s quite strange to see that Sony’s G lens will be faster (and better?) then the 24-70mm Zeiss version.

Full Frame? Nope! Fuji will go straight for an interchangeable lens Medium Format camera system!


Image on top shows the Fuji GW690III medium format film camera.

In many occasions Fuji stated they do not plan to go Full Frame any time soon. And it seems like they really meant it seriously. But there is one major surprise to report today: said Fuji is developing an interchangeable Medium Format system! There is yet no info about possible launch date and specs. But it’s a very intriguing move from Fuji!

If the rumor turns out to be true that Fuji will place themselves a step above the Sony FE and other future Full Frame mirrorless systems from Canon and Nikon. They will therefore play in an own league with virtually zero competition. The real question is if the system will not be too expensive to generate noticeable sales and revenue. So please dear Fuji, make it “affordable” ok?