Leica announcement within 48 hours

This is likely the last product announcement of the year. Leica will announce the new CL system camera within 48 hours. After that we will have to wait til begin-mid January to see new mirrorless camera announcements.

From what I heard 2018 will be a very busy announcement year!

First possible Leica CL specs

A “bird” from the Leica Camera Forum spilled out the possible Leica CL specs

Name will probably be “CL.”
1/8000 mechanical shutter.
Same EVF as the Typ 020, but without GPS.
Leaked photos are the actual camera.
Appears to be a tandem (my word choice) product rather than an upgrade.
Price slightly more than that of current TL2 + external EVF.
No mention of IBIS or PDAF.

The camera will be announced next week!