New Topaz Denoise AI released

TopazLabs announced the new DeNoise AI software. And you pay $50 only if you use the checkout code “BATCH15“. If you click on the image on top and scroll down on their website you can see how their Denoise AI software works on Lightroom, Capture One and DxO.

The new version has two new features:

  • New batch processing capabilities
  • New Chroma Noise Reduction slider

Chroma noise is easily recognized as those pesky color specks appearing across your photo. The Chroma slider allows you to target and remove this specific type of noise.

In general DeNoise AI examines the whole image and holistically determines the difference between detail and noise in that photo. (Other NR tools only look at pixel-level detail.) After understanding what noise vs. detail looks like for that specific image, DeNoise AI recovers a surprising amount of detail from noise.

Here is the official intro video:

You can also download the trial only:

Don’t forget to use the checkout code “BATCH15” when buying Denoise AI (click here).

Fuji announced the new X-T200, XC35mmF/2, GF45-100mmF/4, New G Mount Roadmap

Today Fuji announced three new products and this is only the beginning! Two more cameras will be announced in February: X100V and X-T5! Here is what we got today:

GF 45-100mm f/4


XC 35mm f/2


The most exciting part of todays announcement is this  new 80mm f/1.7 lens added on the GF lens roadmap (there is also a new 30mm f/3.5 WR). This corrisponds to a 63mm f/1.34 fast lens in Full Frame!

Jump over to Fujirumors to read the full live blog.