The next big Fuji X-T1 review roundup! A killer camera!

The Fuji X-T1 is in Stock in all larger store like Amazon (Click here) or BHphoto (Click here). And it get’s sold as easily as bread in the morning :)

And if you need to read some more enthusiastic reviews to convince yourself to buy one than check out this list of new tests:

Review by CameraLabs:

The Fujifilm X-T1 is an outstanding camera, boasting superb image quality, a fantastic viewfinder and continuous autofocus which actually works, letting you successfully capture subjects in motion. All this plus superb manual focusing assistance and Wifi with smartphone remote control packed into a compact but perfectly proportioned weatherproof body. It’s one of the best cameras around at this price point whether mirrorless or DSLR and one I can highly recommend.

Review by ThePhoBlographer:

The X-T1 is a street photographer’s dream. I’ve been using it every day for nearly three weeks for a photo365 project I’m working on, and with the 35mm f1.4 affixed to it, shooting is an absolute breeze. The camera’s inconspicuous enough that I don’t get strange looks. The X-T1 can bend to nearly any photographic need in my estimation, save for sports and wildlife photography due to Fujifilm’s lack of fast telephoto lenses.

Review by Trustedreviews:

The X-T1 combines excellent design with a specification that makes it great value even at its circa-£1000 price tag. Above all, it produces breathtaking images and can be relied upon whatever the conditions, making it perhaps the best CSC on the market.

More tidbits: 10 first impressions by Bcapphoto.The Fuji X-T1 – quite simply a superb camera – XF 23mm f/1.4 first impressions by Soundimagesplus.

New Leica Mirrorless System Camera will be unveiled on April 24 in Berlin!

 Image source: Leicaforum

Leicaforum owner Andreas Juergensen got an official invitation for a Leica event in Berlin (see image on top). I am pretty sure they will announce the new Leica Mirrorless System which has been developed with Panasonic. The camera and the zooms will be built by Panasonic (and branded as Leica). The prime lenses will be made by Leica.

And it’s also save to say that this will NOT be a Micro Four Thirds camera. This will be a completely new Leica system!

Thanks Leicaforum for breaking the news!

Nikon 1 V3 and new lens announcement next week!

Nikonrumors is pretty confident that the rumored new V3 and  10-30mm f/3.5-5.6 PD VR plus 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 VR zooms will be announced next week!

These should be the V3 camera specs suggested by NR sources:

No optical viewfinder
Optional, external 2.4MP electronic viewfinder (EVF) that will attach to the hot shoe
Built-in flash
Standard hot shoe – you will be able to use regular Nikon Speedlights and the built-in flash could act as a wireless commander(I reported that back in November last year)
Several new interesting video features (sorry)
New external grip will not take any batteries, but it will have a shutter button and front dial
Expeed 4a imaging processor
Completely new camera design similar to the drawings of this recently filed patent and it will be all black (not sure if they will offer different colors)
Very fast everything
18MP sensor
Eye sensor and a button to switch between LCD and EVF
180° swivel LCD screen


Sigma Interview about the DP Quattro. New fw update for the Samsung NX300.

Let me catch up with some mirrorless related news:

1) The team from Akihabaranews interviewed Sigma manager about the DP Quattro (video on top)

2) Samsung issued a new fw update for the NX300 (download here).

3) Short Sony 24-70mm test at Leica Boss.

4) Zeiss Touit hands-on by ePhotozine.

5) Leica X Silver eidtion launched (Photographyblog).



– NEX-6 sells for 818 Euro in Europe (via Dealsrunner).

T&T Camera Wrist Straps


Hello All!  As a fan and reader of Mirrorless rumors since its inception, I’m excited to be writing my first guest post here.  Some of you may be familiar with me, having done some reviews and tutorials over on my blog, but for those I’ve yet to connect with, my name is Tyson and I love photography.  This love of photography and photographic gear has seen my day job merge with my moonlighting job as a photographer and blogger with the building of my new wrist straps.  


I’ve been building, and shooting with my own wrist straps for about a year now and have fine tuned the process.  I use high performance, yachting rope and nautical rope splicing techniques to build what I think might be the strongest wrist straps out there.  While I’m going to stop short of saying they’re indestructible (they’re not) I can say that they are capable of supporting well over 200 lbs, and if you venture over to my blog you can see self depricating and hopefully entertainingly comical video proof.


I’ve got these priced at $30usd delivered within the US, $36 to Canada and Mexico.  They’re also available for £25 in the UK or €30 in the EU through my friend Tommaso in Italy.  

For more info and ordering, you can visit my T&T Wrist Strap page HERE over on the blog.


Thanks for reading and happy shooting!

