Ikeas cardboard mirroless camera :)

Ikea had the nice idea to create a “mirrorless” camera made of cardboard. Watch the video on top to see how it works! And the first camera is now for sale on .
I think its apretty genious idea! Want that :)

Canon “well specced” (but not pro) mirrorless camera in June.

Canonrumors reports (with a low ranked rumor value) that Canon will announce a “well specced” mirrorless camera along a “couple” of lenses.  But you may would think this would be a higher end model but according to CR sources this is not a ““pro” level mirrorless. The pro mirrorless cameras would arrive later within the coming 12 months.

Canonwatch was the first to report about a mirrorless camera announcement in June. But specs still are relatively unknown. The only thing we heard is that it has a modern design similar to the Nikon 1 models.

New Pentax Q and 360 degree camera coming soon? (+ new K-01 review)

According to sources from Photogizmos Pentax is changing the strategy and “they will soon be discontinuing future development of “normal” point-and-shoot cameras in favor of specialty cameras like the Ultra-Rugged WG series, Ultra Compact interchangable lens cameras like the Q series and coming soon, an incredible 360 degree Digital camera.

That 360 degree camera sounds really intriguing!

P.S.: Digitalcamerareview posted the full K-01 review.