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Fujifilm Q&A: Fuji 4K cameras will change form factor. New Telephoto and a smaller 35mm f/2.0 primes are “under consideration”.


Imaging Resource interviewed Mr. Toshihisa and Makoto from Fuji. Here are a couple of interesting info:

  1. Fuji has around 14% of the market share in the global mirrorless system camera market. In Thailand they have 40% of the market share
  2. Fuji doesn’t ask customers to buy a new camera every two-year “it’s ridiculous“. They prefer them “to spend more money for lenses or accessories, and so on. That’s more beneficial to the customers.
  3. About 4k: “If we develop 4K movie-capable cameras, we will need to change the form factor.
  4. Fuji says its way to early to introduce cameras with organic sensor.
  5. The lens request they got from the customers is a fast telephoto prime lens and a more compact 35mm f/2.0 lens (smaller than the existent).
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