Panasonic and Sony announcements scheduled for the first week of February?

Tomorrow Fuji (4.30 London time) and after tomorrow Olympus (6.00 London time) will announce their already leaked new X-T1 and E-M10 cameras.
Panasonic and Sony
But this isn’t all we will see yet. According to our trusted sources also Panasonic and Sony will announce new cameras the first week of February!
Panasonic will launch the 4K G camera and Sony will launch the NEX-6/7 successor. The Panasonic camera will be priced a little below $2,000 while the new Sony will replace both the NEX-6 and NEX-7 and cost around $800.
What about the other companies?
Samsung, Ricoh, Nikon and Canon may not announce a new camera at all :(